All parents are eligible for membership and are urged to consider participating in our School Council. We have at least 8 School Council meetings per year, usually 2 per term. School Councillors provide a line of communication from the school community and have valuable skills that can help share the direction of the school.
School Council elections are held each year in March. Parents can nominate themselves or nominate another parent. Please consider nominating yourself as it allows you to learn more about the school and have input as a parent representative into our school planning. In the event that the number of nominations is more than the number of vacancies, a ballot will be required.
Our School Council Members for 2024 are:
Matthew Barnett (President), Kloe Woods, John Barber, Vaughan Kruger, Steven Booley, James Meek, Ewan Peel & Jo Ironton.
The School Council at Inverleigh Primary School is constituted and functions in accordance with -
(1) The Victorian Education (School Council) Act 1958 and Regulations 1988.
(11) Ministerial paperNo.4.1983
(111) Ministerial paper “The Roles and Responsibilities of School Councils, February, 1984.
The Council consists of an elected body of 8 parents, 3 teachers, and the school Principal...... Under the Act the Council may appoint, by co-option, an additional 2 members who have a special interest in the education program of the school.
The Council meets once a month (with a minimum of 2 meetings per term) during the school year and is assisted in its work by five subcommittees. These being the Education, Facilities, Fundraising and Public Relations, School Safe, Finance Sub-committees. These sub-committees have the Principal and the President as ex-officio members of each committee.
All School Council meetings are open to parents as observers, but without voting rights. Agendas and minutes are available in the office.
Functionally, the School Council has responsibilities and powers in the following areas:
© Inverleigh Primary School